Vital Enterprises, LLC encompasses a life-long journey for Jan Vitale, bringing her experiences, her skills and her passions together in one place as she seeks to return others those feelings she experienced in a time of simplicity and peace.

The early years of Jan’s life were spent in the suburbs of New York City where her parents worked

Jan Vitale

hard to provide the basics.  She felt that although she was not always given exactly what she desired, she was never without and learned to be grateful for what she received… and to be generous with the less fortunate.  In that growing spirit of generosity, Jan spent much of her free time volunteering in charitable events for school, church and other groups such as Girl Scouts, and eventually became a Girl Scout Leader.  She carries those values forward with her toVital Enterprises where clients are treated with respect, appreciation and generosity.

For over thirty years Jan has worked in sales and service, primarily serving the insurance needs of her clients.  Her business model has always been foundational on offering clients exceptional service by putting their needs first, and having their best interest as her utmost concern.  Her childhood values of contribution found their way to her business model as well, and over the years, Jan has spent many hours contributing time and other resources to those less fortunate and in need.

Some people go through life trying to find out what the world holds for them, only to find out too late that it is what they bring to the world that really counts.

~ Anne of Green Gables

Coming to a “fork in the road”, Jan’s entrepreneurial spirit began taking precedence over her ties to Corporate America and she spent a great deal of time deciding how she could incorporate all those years of business expertise with a broad array of products that would greatly benefit individuals of all ages. It was with great inspiration and guidance thatVital Enterprises, LLC was formed.

A handful of pines seed will cover mountains with the green majesty of forests.  I, too, will set my face to the wind and throw my handful of seed on high.

~ Fiona Macleod

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